Huld Working Dogs

Riva von Luka IPO-VO, IPO 1, FH1, FPr 3, BN, Am./Cdn. RN, P-CD, CGN, CGC, WAC, VGM, VC

(Incredible Courage SchH3  x  Eva dei Dohse IPO 3, SchH 3, FH 1, StPr 1)

Click Here for Riva's Pedigree

DOB April 4, 2010

DOD January 4, 2018 Euthanized due to cancer

BH at the 2012 United Doberman Club Nationals held at Purina Farms, outside St. Louis, Missouri.

IPO-VO: High in Trial, High Tracking, High Obedience, High Protection September 2012 under USCA Judge Frank Phillips in Port Crane, New York.

FPr1: Passed with a 70 under USCA Judge Mike Hamilton in Elkhart, Indiana.

IPO 1: High in Trial and High Tracking September 2014 under GSSCC Judge Frank McEniry in Newmarket, Ontario.

FPr 2: High FPr with a 97 under UScA/SV Judge Carla Griffith at the 2015 UDC National in Winchester, Kentucky.

FPr3: High FPr with a 85 under DVG Judge Ann Dolan at the 2015 UDC IPO Fall Classic Trial in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

FH1: High FH score with a 94 under USCA Judge Carla Collins at Metro Detroit Schutzhund Club June 2017.

FPr3: Riva repeats her FPr3 title at the 2017 United Doberman Club Fall Classic in Huron, Ohio October 2017 and goes High FPr3 score in the trial!

United Doberman Club (UDC) Versatility Certificate (VC) 

DPCC Gold Versatility Medallion Award​

Health Exams:

vWD: VetGen clear
Hips: Germany - HD A, OFA excellent 4/2012
Elbows: OFA normal 4/2012
CERF: Normal 7/2011, 11/2012
Thyroid: OFA normal 4/2011, 4/2012, 9/2013
Dentition: Full and proper
Cardio:  WSU DNA negative
5/2012 Echo normal 
6/2012 Holter nomal 
9/2013 Echo normal 
11/2013 Occult DCM diagnosis via Holter exam (20h54m 1266 singles, 22h15m 1781 singles)
12/2013 Holter occult DCM 24hrs 454 singles
03/2014 Echo normal 
03/2014 Holter occult DCM 24 hrs 180 singles
09/2014 Holter normal 14hr44min 15 vpc all singles
03/2015 Echo normal
03/2015 Holter normal less than 1 vpc per hour
09/2015 Echo normal
01/2016 spayed and no VPC under anesthetic
03/2016 Holter normal (unmedicated) 
10/2017 Holter normal (1 VPC in 22hr39min unmedicated) 
11/2017 Echo normal
CHIC # 92428
