Huld Working Dogs

Photo Taken by Traci Mulligan  on August 25, 2018 at 8 years old 

C-Amos vom Haus Mann IPO3 FH1 VBM VC

(Ascomannis Ingo IPO3  x Alfred's Beda von Schlottke)


Click Here for Amos' Pedigree

DOB May 7, 2010
DOD October 2, 2019 Euthanized due to seizures of unknown origin
1x World Competitor, 2x National Competitor, 2x Regional Competitor

​2017 UDC Fall Classic IPO3 Champion

2017 and 2018 DPCC Schutzhund Dog of the Year

Multiple High in Trials, High Tracking, High Obedience & High Protection Scores

January 2019  Amos received his Versatility Companion (VC) from the United Doberman Club!

December 2018 Amos received his Versatility Bronze Medallion (VBM) from the Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada!

October 20, 2018 Amos earned his FH1 with a 94 and had the High FH score from USCA Judge Carla Griffith at the Metro Detroit Schutzhund Club Trial in Milan, MI 

Congratulations to Amos named the 2017 and 2018 DPCC Schutzhund Dog of the Year Award!!!

June 2, 2018 Amos earned another IPO3 90-93-93= 276 at the Tri-State Working Dog Club in Warwick NY  with SV Judge Daniele Strazzeri. This is Amos' 6th IPO3 title and he went High Tracking, High Obedience, High Protection, High in Trial. This is also our first qualification score towards IDC WM 2019! Amos is now 6 times IPO3!
May 4-6, 2018 Amos is a World Championship Competitor when he competed at IDC WM 2018 in Slovakia for Team USA on behalf of the United Doberman Club
2017 United Doberman Club (UDC) Fall Classic: Amos earns another IPO3 and is the 2017 UDC Fall Classic Champion and goes High IPO3 Score, High In Trial, High Tracking and High Obedience in the trial with 91-92-80
2017 GSSCC National Competitor
2017 USCA North Central Regional: Amos earns another IPO3 86-86-75
2017 Metro Detroit Schutzhund Club: Amos earns another IPO3 and is the High IPO3 score and is selected for the Sgt. Collin Rose Memorial Trophy for Judge's Choice Award for "Best Dog" from SV Judge Helmut Schlipp 88-82-94
2017 Vita Nova Schutzhund Club: Amos earns another IPO3  86-75-91

Health Exams

Normal OFA Thyroid October 30, 2017
Normal Holter October 2017 and November 2018
Normal Echocardiogram with board certified cardiologist November 30, 2017 and December 21, 2018
Normal OFA Advanced Cardiac November 30, 2017 and December 21, 2018
PHTVL/PHPV Free and OFA Eyes Normal December 8, 2017
BdDD Colour (Able to produce Black and Red and no dilute)
von Willebrand Carrier
​OFA Hips Fair
Degenerative Myelopathy Clear
Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) Positive heterozygous (One copy of the DCM genetic mutation)

Click here for Amos' OFA Page